This affects both file size (runtime memory) and how curves are evaluated. If enabled, the Inspector displays Animation Compression Errors options. Keyframe Reduction A process that removes redundant keyframes. It is generally not advisable to use this option - if you need higher precision animation, you should enable keyframe reduction and lower allowed Animation Compression Error values instead. Disabling animation compression leads to the highest precision animations, but slower performance and bigger file and runtime memory size. Frames in between the keyframes are called inbetweens.

This means that Unity doesn’t reduce keyframe A frame that marks the start or end point of a transition in an animation. Animation compression is a trade off between saving on memory and image quality. See in Glossary to use when importing the animation.ĭisable animation compression The method of compressing animation data to significantly reduce file sizes without causing a noticeable reduction in motion quality. See Texture Compression, Animation Compression, Audio Compression, Build Compression. The type of compression A method of storing data that reduces the amount of storage space it requires. Only appears if the import file contains Euler curves. Resample animation curves as Quaternion values and generate a new Quaternion keyframe for every frame in the animation.ĭisable this to keep animation curves as they were originally authored this only if you’re having issues with the interpolation between keys in your original animation Only available for Autodesk® Maya®, Autodesk® 3ds Max® and Cinema 4D files. Note: If disabled, all other options on this page are hidden and no animation is imported.īake animations created using IK or Simulation to forward kinematic keyframes. More info See in Glossary from this asset. The type and number of constraints vary depending on the type of Joint. Import constraints Settings on Joint components which limit movement or rotation. These properties apply to all animation clips and constraints defined within this Asset: Property: You can playback the animation and select specific frames here.Īsset-specific properties Import options for the entire Asset These settings define import options for the selected Animation Clip. You can select any item from this list to display its properties and preview its animation. These settings define import options for the entire Asset. There are four areas on the Animation tab of the Inspector A Unity window that displays information about the currently selected GameObject, asset or project settings, allowing you to inspect and edit the values. When you click on the model containing animation clips, these properties appear: The Animation Clip Inspector You can select Animation Clips from imported FBX data. More info See in Glossary, or Blend Trees). The same Animator Controller can be referenced by multiple models with Animator components. More info See in Glossary, Animator Controller Controls animation through Animation Layers with Animation State Machines and Animation Blend Trees, controlled by Animation Parameters. Each state references an Animation Blend Tree or a single Animation Clip. They represent an isolated piece of motion, such as RunLeft, Jump, or Crawl, and can be manipulated and combined in various ways to produce lively end results (see Animation State Machines A graph within an Animator Controller that controls the interaction of Animation States.

Animation Clips are the smallest building blocks of animation in Unity.